16 February 2009

credit card fraud!

In the midst of my bitching in the last post, I forgot to give a shout out to Wells Fargo's credit card fraud protection people.

About two years ago I was pissed when my card was flagged after I spent about $1000 in a week on books and school crap. It was out of the ordinary spending so they turned off my card until I talked to them, resulting in an embarassing situation at the Walgreens checkout when my card was repeatedly declined.

Well, I haven't used my credit card since I bought those bras in December. I've been good! Before that I hadn't used it to buy anything online or over the phone, and since then it's been in my desk drawer. So imagine my surprise when I go online to make a payment and I get a notice saying my account has been flagged.

When I called them, they said that starting Feb 14, some purchases had been attempted online for $200 here, $50 there, etc. It looked "out of character" so they disabled the card.

And I'm glad they did! Somehow someone had gotten my information- I have no idea where or when. I wish I could find out, because I'd like to avoid this in the future. I'm usually pretty careful with this type of thing. But, I wasn't liable for the purchases and they've deactivated the account.

I was just really impressed that it was caught so soon. So kudos to them.


  1. Get a credit report (one free every year, from all 3 credit bureaus) now. I would also get all credit cards and debit card numbers changed.

    If you get any credit card applications in the mail shred them up. Before throwing away magazines or any mail with your address shred the address up to.

    If throwing away old expired credit cards I like to cut the credit card number down the middle horizontally and then into a couple of vertical sections. Then I throw away a couple pieces into various trash bags.

    You can never be too careful. Hope this is the end to your credit fraud!!!

  2. You know what the funny part is? I do all that stuff, including throwing the credit card pieces in different trash cans, LOL. I'm glad we share that paranoia.

  3. LOL! That's how you know we're friends!
