01 November 2009

it's hard to study today

Hope everyone had a good Halloween! It was tons of fun carving pumpkins but once again, I spent the night studying instead of dressing up and going out. I hate this crap.

I knew med tech school was going to be hard but I didn't expect to give up my entire life to it. I honestly don't know how I manage to keep cramming stuff into my head. I feel like those information overload people on the bing commercials. I'm expecting it to start leaking out of my ears in some cartoon fashion. My dreams aren't dreams. They are half-awake review sessions of everything I tried to learn that day. I don't even want to dream about that stuff; I just do! Ugh.

Remember to change your clocks! It felt good to give this sleep-deprived body some extra rest this morning.

Also, I'm addicted to these sugar cookies. I can't stop eating them. I put the rest of the batch in the freezer in little balls, so all I have to do to make more is put them on a sheet and bake them. Best idea ever? Or sugar overload self-sabatoge? We shall see. For some reason all my body wants is sugar today. I tried to eat healthy but I just want sugar. I bet it's my brain working overtime screaming for more glucose. Yeah, that's it...

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel. I feel completely down and out of it...but every time I eat something, particularly something sugary, I wake up and am alert for a little bit.

    Although, unlike you, I hardly studied. Since I know im going to push law school back a year, i feel less inclined to study. I need to get out of this funk.
