08 March 2010

Ode to the dirty dishes in my sink

The dirty dishes in my sink
are stacked and piled so daintily
but in a while they'll start to stink
and patches grow of mold you see.
The faucet drips when HOT is on
so often it is turned to off
and we are limited to cold.
And dishes sit for one more dawn
until it seems I've had enough
and need to get rid of the mold.

Iambic pentameter bitches!

For real I'm fucking bored. Spring break is no fun when your friends either work or have spring break at a different time.

I rented Zombie Land (Redbox is my new best friend. Fuck ten dollar movies!) and have a bottle of wine so tonight is taken care of.

Tomorrow, I have nothing planned. I might end up taking pictures of myself to put on facebook. Please, don't let me be that girl. I don't want to be that girl.


  1. You can teach me how to hem my pants. That sounds like SO MUCH FUN AND EXCITEMENT! haha.

    Seriously, I'll pay you if you help me with my pants.

  2. Zombieland is hilarious, or at least I thought so.

    Here's the jean tutorial, enjoy!!


  3. I know a stay at home mom who usually never has plans but always is up for some non baby company =) Really, you don't even have to call, just drop by!
