17 August 2014

skinny pants

Yesterday I bought my first pair of skinny pants. I KNOW.

Ever since the trend started, I've been very wary of skinny pants. At first, I thought they looked plain weird. Then I realized they only looked weird on people with certain body types.

Still, I resisted. Because I think I have one of those body types that looks weird in skinny pants. That didn't stop me from snagging a pair off the rack every now and again, to try them on and see if my mind could be changed. Nope, I always looked unbalanced.

Until, for some reason, yesterday we were pants shopping and Chris convinced me to try on a pair of the Old Navy Pixie Skinny-Ankle Pants. Suddenly they looked pretty good!

So now I have a pair of skinny pants. I don't know if I'll ever wear them, but I'm excited about the opportunity/possibility.

In the meantime, I also bought two new pairs of pants that fit good- right now. They always seem to magically not fit after the first time I wear/wash them.

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