11 August 2009

not much time

What a busy morning. I woke up at 5:55 am and laid there till about 7 thinking about all I had to do. Getting school stuff together. It doesn't officially start until the 24th but next week will be full of orientations, buying parking passes, stuff like that. Financial aid, blackboard.com, textbooks, figuring out where the hell I should be going on that huge campus, filling out yet another form, sending transcripts... OY!

I'm so tired. Haven't slept well the past few nights and I had a killer headache yesterday. I'm fighting it today. Hopefully it will hold off until I get my errands done. School supply shopping! Buying scrubs! Excitement!

I got a new planner and I love going through and putting stuff in it. It's like a fresh start, ready to be filled up with random uber-important scribbles.

I also got my new glasses today. I'm getting used to them. It's a new prescription and they're kinda tight on my ears so I'm trying to gently bend the ear pieces. I had to get the little kid frames because the big people frames were all too big for my face, and they would always slide off my little head. Other than that, they look pretty much the same.

In the meantime, jam out to this:

1 comment:

  1. OMG...that totally was not fun to listen to...although i did so now you must listen to the milk and cereal song -

