22 July 2016

on health and all that jazz

On an alcohol suspension. Because it's probably good for me.

I had my blood drawn at work for a reference range study, and decided to run my cholesterol. Dammit. It's the highest it's ever been. I'm attributing that to my recent frat boy lifestyle... but at the same time I'm a bit worried. I didn't go that overboard.
There's no WAY in HELL I'm taking drugs. So I'm cutting back on the only real source of dietary cholesterol; dairy products. Cheese, butter, I'll miss you. Hello fish oil. Ugh. If it doesn't work, I'm going back to enjoying my cheese and butter. And I'll probably see a doctor.

This morning I researched power companies. Super fun. Fiscal responsibility, man. Powertochoose.org is actually a pretty cool resource.

Went to Costco with mom and Frank, and it was actually pretty fun.

Renewed my ASCP certification. 36 hours and 95 bucks, man. But it's good for another 3 years!

Health, check.
Household obligations, check.
Career necessities, check.

I'm done adulting for the day, time to lay in bed!

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