21 February 2008

50 things!

Today's entry is inspired by Random Brain Syndrome. She wrote about a list of 50 things she wanted to do and it made me think of my own that I had written up a few years ago. I'm sure there were some really cool things in there I'd thought up, but it was all lost in the Great Computer Crash of 2006, along with the 50-page Microbiology lab notebook that I slaved over and had to re-type frantically in two days...

But anyway. I now know the importance of backing up important files AND I want to try and re-construct/ update that list.

Here's what I remember from the list, and what I want do to!
Over time I've removed some as I don't really care anymore. As I figure out what I want to do instead, they'll get filled back in.

1. Walk on stilts
2. Get my bikini area professionally waxed
(x) 3. Decide on a major
(x) 4. Fall in love
(x) 5. Take a cake decorating class
6. Learn how to play the piano
7. Be more outgoing
(x) 8. Feel confident in a bathing suit
(x) 9. Figure out what's wrong with me!
(x) 10. Climb a rock wall
(x) 11. Give blood
(x) 12. Get a tattoo
13. Learn how to change oil and a tire
(x) 14. Learn how to cook
16. Milk a cow
(x) 17. Not wear jeans, a tshirt and tennis shoes every day
(x) 18. Buy a little black dress
19. Become knowledgeable in politics
(x) 20. Learn how to put contacts in
(x) 21. Own diamond jewelry
(x) 22. Get drunk.
(x) 23. Try some sort of illegal drug
(x) 24. Have sex in a car
(x) 25. Learn how to knit
(x) 26. Plan a potluck picnic during the spring
(x) 27. Watch the sunrise
28. Live in CA again
(x) 30. Plan a wedding
31. Pose nude for art
(x) 32. Learn how to take a compliment
(x) 34. Floss
(x) 35. Make my parents proud
36. Spend more time with my siblings
(x) 37. Make a 4.0... from now on
(x) 38. Build a custom home or re-do a fixer upper
39. Go fishing and catch something
(x) 40. Learn how to surf
41. Be able to communicate in sign language and spanish
43. Buy my mom a car
(x) 44. Wear lipstick without looking like a whore
45. Learn how to dance with a partner
46. Be "the tooth fairy"
(x) 48. Collect enough wine corks to cover a bulletin board
(x) 49. Buy and actually use a crock pot
50. Get published.
51. Visit a ghost town
52. Own a chicken that lays eggs
53. Participate in a demolition derby

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm a BADASS at politics. Just sayin' :) (see #19)
