28 August 2012


I should be in bed.

I want to be in bed.

I was in bed.

But I had to get up and make sure I wasn't going to overdraft on my bank account.

It's a crazy cycle. I drag myself out of bed every morning and go to a job that I don't like, day after day. Why? To pay my bills. So payday rolls around and the next day I've paid all my bills, put the rest into paying off debt, and I have a little left for things like gas and groceries. I don't go shopping, I don't go out to lunch, I rarely spend extra money nowadays. At some point nearly every month, I'm staring at a $15 bank account balance. And my debt is barely going down.

It's a very disheartening and slightly maddening thing to realize. That I work so hard every day for so little progress. Not that I'm going to stop. If anything, it makes me even more determined to put every spare cent into this mountain.

Debt is a very bad thing, people. At least, this much of it is.
I don't know exactly how much I have. The last time I checked was a few months ago, and it was more than I realized. Then, the Hawaii and dental bills didn't help, as all extra funds have been diverted to that.

Chris has offered to help with it, but I feel terrible letting him take care of debt that I've accrued. I'm supposed to be a successful, self-sufficient woman. I don't feel anything like that.

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