17 December 2012

back from the dead

with a shaved head.

After a short hiatus, zits are slowly coming back, in what seems to be full force. The current regime did its job- they were subdued enough that makeup covered them when I got hitched, but it's not a long-term solution. It may be because I haven't been taking the zinc. It was just too hard to keep track of on vacation. I've started taking it again, but I'm also glad my super awesome health insurance is effective in January. I am covered up the wazoo by two really kickass health insurance plans- both free. One's included with my benefits package at work, and one because of the whole military spouse thing. Read: I can finally see the dermatologist! Butttt not till next month.

I hate getting out of the shower and seeing 5 missed calls, 3 facebook messages, two text messages, and a voicemail. Once again, I missed the sporadic narrow period of time that Chris has found to communicate. Hmph.

I just found out my seeester is coming home tomorrow! Yay!!

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