19 September 2008


I feel like my life has gotten too routine.
I've been on the same track for a while now. I'm restless.

I have the urge for a change. A big-ish one. Something that will change the rest of my life almost.

I won't be graduating for a while. That track is long and sluggish.
Can't do anything about that day-to-day drudge.

I like my job. I have been thinking about picking up an additional upbeat part-time job, though.

I don't really have the resources to move or anything, and besides I like living here.

I don't want to cut my hair. Or dye it. My appearance is not what I want to change.

It seems that I'm content with my life, but it has just become routine and dull. And I don't know what to do to spice it up.

A new hobby? party more? re-arrange my furniture?

I don't know. Something will strike me.

Ideas, anyone?


  1. I'm a big fan of the rearranging room thing. I always do that when I feel like life has gotten a bit stale. It helps to blast some good music while rearanging. And deep cleaning as you go.
    Other then that, maybe pick up a book, join some kind of a hobby class, or even create your own kind of a club (like Tuesday Waffles, or Milkshake Wednesdays and invite friends over).
    Or get a guitar hero that will suck up all the rest of your free time. :D

  2. I love my part time job at a bar. its fun. rearranging furniture is always fun. but in the end, I am the guy that changes his hair and/or beard to mix it up. that seems to be enough for me. good luck!

  3. Take a jazz class with me!

    Jen also said something to this effect. I think. I feel totally routine, too! For me, it's the changing weather and the fact that it gets darker earlier that makes me kinda crazy. So maybe we should all go off and do something crazy (but cheap) together.

    Uhhh...participate in a protest? Fly kites? Go to a hookah bar? Get a massage? Create a book club? Drive a different way to work every day to throw off the stalkers (that's Vicky's solution)?

  4. let's do a hobby together! i want to start doing something

  5. i've been feeling too routine as well. guess i am tired of planning and want some spontaneity in my life!

    so you and missy and whomever i have numbers for will be receiving calls when i think of random/cheap things to do =)
