26 November 2008

zombies, food

Today was a good day. Long, but good. I even got p-izz-aid.

My boss took me to lunch today for my birthday, and I thought that was super nice of him. He even told me not to clock out, because it was a "business lunch."

And you know what I noticed? He has two different colored eyes. One's greyish and one's brown. I've known the guy for about a year and I never noticed that. I guess you don't really look at someone's eyes until you're sitting across the table from them. Well, I don't anyway.
It reminds me of that zombie movie where the kid with different colored eyes is immune to the zombie virus or whatever. When zombies take over, I'm high-tailing it to work, fo sho.

After work I ran to Fedex, then I went over to Tony's for a pre-Thanksgiving hang out. We made dinner and drank some wine. It was nice to chill.

Then I came home to tons of gluten free goodies that my mom baked. It really touched me that all of the traditional goodies were converted to gluten free. My mom really makes an effort to make me feel included.

I really do have a lot to be thankful for.

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