31 January 2009

BOOM baby.

I don't feel good. I woke up feeling crappy and just haven't gotten out of it. Fighting a headache and um, gastrointestinal issues. I don't think I ate gluten because I was really good yesterday. I don't want to lay down and screw with my sleep schedule, but I think a nap might help.

I managed to get out for a couple hours and run a few errands. It is a BEAUTIFUL day. I sat in my doorway this morning for about 20 minutes just soaking up the sunshine and making Vitamin D.

my mom's "trees" and a random buddha statue

I went to Best Buy and got an mp3 player. I don't want an Ipod because I don't want to have to deal with itunes.

I got a cheap ($40) HOT PINK Sansa Clip. It's tiny, easily navigatable, and it was really easy to put music on it. I plan to use it when working out, and I think I'll like it. In the reviews I've read, people complained about it freezing and the battery dying, so I hope I don't have that problem. The vast majority were very happy with it, though.

All right, time to go see if a nap will make me feel better.

~ January is over?! It sure flew by...


  1. I hope you feel better!

    I'm anti ipod for the same reasons. I hate the hassle itunes gives you. I have a Creative, and it works like a jump drive so I can dump or yoink music from any computer, anytime, no installation necessary.

  2. omg! Vicky got me a Sansa Clip for Christmas. I have the black one. I really like it!

  3. regarding the stomach issues... there's some sort of bug or something going around (that a lot of people think is food poisoning). *loves*
