24 January 2012

no wonder people turn into bridezillas

So everybody keeps bringing up wedding stuff.

Have we picked a date? Do I have a dress? What's the theme? What are the colors? What about flowers? Where's it going to be? Are you going to throw rice? Or what about sprinkles! or Bubbles! or Sparklers! What about this? How about that? Wedding bands! Food! Cake! Decorations! The veil! Shoes! Are you really going to take his mile-long last name?!

My honest answer? I really don't know. I've never been the girl who planned her wedding years ago. I don't know if I want a DJ or a band, or if I want a traditional reception. Or if I want it at the beach. Or if a bonfire is do-able. Or if it will be inside or outside. Or what kind of flowers to put in the middle of the table. And then my dad keeps mentioning the reality tv show wedding. I don't know. And then there's the issue of Wedding #1 and future possible Wedding #2.

And no one is asking Chris these things. It's all directed at ME.

It's already stressing me out and we haven't even started planning yet. I mean, I do have some ideas, and it's fun to pin stuff on pinterest and look at magazines and Martha Stewart and stuff, but it's a lot overwhelming.

And then I think I want a certain kind of look but then I remember he's going to be wearing his Marine dress blues and maybe I need a dress that's a little more fancy and ohmygod. I just want someone else to plan everything and I'll just show up. I guess this is why you have friends and family and sisters and bridesmaids-- to help you get your shit together.

Or how about he just come home and we can get married any old way, I don't give a crap as long as he shows up.

1 comment:

  1. omg. i'll help plan!!! i have so many ideas! and you're quirky so they'll work :-P although, there's something about the "let's just get married when you come home" thing.
