02 April 2012

more ramblings

Well, today was about how I expected. Had to work late, too. By about 1600 my eyes were starting to look a little bloodshot, my mouth was aching, I was hungry, and I was seriously dragging. I was relieved when my boss said I could go ahead and leave.

Can't go to bed too early, or I'll wake up at midnight wide awake.

Another smattering of thoughts:

-- Found out what was up with Chris. I can't go into details, but some (rather idiotic) things happened this weekend, and his position pretty much forced him to become involved. He's not in any trouble, for the record. Given the sticky circumstances, I'm pretty proud of him and I think he made the right decision.

The problem is, he's really upset about it. I haven't heard that tone of voice in a long time, not since things were really bad. Made me kinda worried. I mean, bad things are going to happen, I just wonder how they're going to be handled. I guess only time will tell. Either way, I'm in this for the long haul and support him 100%.

-- Finally starting to get the breakouts on my face controlled for a consistent amount of time, except for a few holdouts here and there. The problem is, they seem to have moved down to my upper back and chest area. For the first time ever, I purchased an acne body wash, this Grapefruit Neutrogena stuff. Not crazy about the scent, but after a few days I noticed an improvement in how oily my skin gets. After a few weeks it's not totally cleared up, but I'm seeing consistent, if slow, improvement. How old am I again? For the first time in my life I've got body breakouts. I blame it on the birth control change, since that's when I first noticed the issues. Well, body, it's not changing again for the next 5 years, so get used to it.

-- Purchased another up-and-at-em device: the eye roller from Clinique. It's got a metal ball which gets really cold if you store it in the fridge. Lately I've felt like nodding off on the drive to work, and thought maybe this might help if I roll it on before I leave.

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