02 November 2012

slumber "party"

Shit has been CRAZY around here. Almost ready to talk about it.

On to last night. I had a sore throat, a fever, and hadn't slept well lately. Sleep-deprivation combined with massive amounts of stress probably contributed to sickness. So I took a leftover tylenol with codeine from the wisdom teeth and went to bed. I slept very soundly.

At about 1am, I felt something touch my hand and immediately shot up. I knew what it was. I turned on the light and sure enough, a huge cockroach on my pillow.

Ohhhh I can't even stand it. I was so horrified. I can't smash roaches, or even get close to them. I usually attack with spray products from a safe distance while squealing and jumping around. Or, even better, yell for my brother or dad. But, at 1 am, I was on my own with my spray bottle of bleach.

So I was forced to watch while it ran around on my pillows. Oh, my GOD, disgusting. Then it went on to my nightstand, walking over my cell phone, glasses, and kindle. When it got to the tissue box, I sprayed it with bleach. Eventually it fell to the floor, where I worked up enough courage to put a cup over it.

I changed my sheets and disinfected the other stuff it touched, trying not to think about how long it had crawled all over me before I woke up out of my drug-induced slumber. Then I called Chris. He asked, "Are you okay? You sound like you're about to cry." And I said, "NO!" I wasn't okay. How could I be okay after something like that???

I talked to him for a minute, then tried to go back to sleep. I kept the light on. Every time I started to doze, I'd feel my hair touch my cheek or something, and start awake. I just couldn't relax wondering where this huge roach had come from, and if it had any friends lurking in the shadows that wanted to join the slumber party.

I'm also wondering why the roach would ignore the disgusting sink full of yummy roach-friendly dishes in the kitchen, and come hang out with poor, sleeping sick me.

But, I texted my dad when I left for work and he came in and treated again. He did not, however, remove the roach from under its cup prison. I called my mom while I was still at work, and she lifted the cup a tiny bit and didn't see it on the floor. We figured it had crawled up in the cup. So she sprayed some poison up in it and set it back down. I made my brother go lift it up when I got home, and there it was, all dead with its nasty legs all sticking up. Both the roach and the cup were disposed of.

One of my worst nightmares, a roach crawling into bed with me, came true. I came out alive, but not unscathed. I don't know how long it will be until I won't be skitzy and paranoid about roaches in my bed now.

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