16 November 2007

isn't this world amazing?

What a week!
It's almost done, I made it through okay so far. Ochem exam tonight, and this weekend will suck but after Monday I get a little break.

So I am normally pretty happy.
Lately, I've been waking up with a smile on my face and I feel like I could just burst from all the happiness inside me. Things are just fitting together in that way they do so randomly in life.

No more rental car or insurance stuff to deal with, I love driving my new car. It's a saturn ion. I'm pretty excited that it's all under my name, no parents cosigning. How adult-ful!

I updated my resume and started looking for another job. This one's okay but I think I need a change, something different.

The weather is gorgeous, nice and cool and sunny. I think that's having a huge effect on my mood.

I've gotten to spend time with that one special person, and I'm so freaking happy to see things starting to turn around for him. Not just because I'm reaping some of the benefits, but because someone I care about, someone who I've made sure to be there for during rough times is taking major steps to pull themselves out of it.

I am confident, I am brilliant, I am beautiful. I am not hopeful, but instead reveling in the blessings that I have been lucky enough to secure.
I know all good things must come to an end but right now I'm on top of the world.


  1. That's awesome Jenny. Good for you! At least one of us is growing up. haha

    I need you, but I don't want to bring you down from your happy high.

  2. HEY!!
    I don't care HOW "on top of the world" I am... or how many naps I've taken, or how many damn times I have to study... you know if it's important all you have to do is say something and I'll drop everything.
