29 November 2007


i feel strange.

i was driving home tonight and had an incredible helpless sensation of becoming unconscious. i was aware of it but at the same time i was as foggy as the night, talking to myself, saying out loud that i would be ok to try and force some kind of realism back into the moment.

heart racing, scared i was not going to be able to hang onto consciousness. my hoodie became unbearable. i was too hot, i was too cold, i couldn't focus. yet i was extremely aware of what was going on. i caught myself hyperventilating and forced myself to sing along to the music to even out my breathing.

my first thought was, i'm hungry and i'm getting faint. but no, paying attention, i wasn't hungry. come to think of it i haven't been hungry or had any kind of appetite or cravings. i haven't gotten that kind of hunger that makes you really want a meal. even so, i've eaten today. i don't think it was hunger.

so what was it?
maybe i need sleep.

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