13 September 2010

food, gym, cat video

Dear jalapeno cheese and bean quesadilla, thank you for being my dinner. You are awesome. Next time, bring your friends guacamole and sour cream and make it a party. I'm using up leftovers in awesome ways. I'm so proud of myself.

Today .... drum roll please.... I made it to the gym! I changed the monthly payments to come from MY account, and did 25 minutes of cardio. Heck yes. Non-money-wasting motivation. I came home feeling like a skinny wiener! But, BUT. While stretching in my big t-shirt and borderline lesbian workout shorts, I noticed that I need to start shaving again. I don't really stress about shaving my legs, but it's TIME. Eesh.

And since Akhtar was kind enough to email this, have a nice kitten-based laugh.

1 comment:

  1. lol, j actually sent me that cat video the other day - only without the music. With the music it is about 10 times funnier!

    Oh and, go you! Way to go to the gym!!!
