28 September 2010

uneventful happies

I don't know why I'm so happy right now.

Maybe it's this amazing cupcake from Whole Foods. I'm still really feeling cupcakes. I was originally going to just take a quick taste and fulfill the craving, but I keep going back to take a bite. It's So Good.

Other than cupcakes, my day/week has been fairly uneventful. Gym, work, home, bed. I have a TO-DO list of things I've been putting off for weeks, and it's going to get done this week. Mostly boring stuff.

Also, I got my scores back from the board of certification exam and I did really well. Not that it matters too much now, but it's still pretty awesome.

As I sit here after a busy yet fulfilling day of work, my cat sleeping in her box while I catch up on my blogs, a happy belly and a nice breeze outside, I know exactly why I'm so happy.

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