20 January 2011

smooth, please!!

What I wouldn't give for a smooth day at work. A day that's not spent troubleshooting, solving yet another crisis, or tracking down a solution. I used to have those kind of days, where did they go?

Yesterday's crisis was replacing a creatinine lamp that was a problem in itself, and of course it ran into more problems. But I busted my ass and every result was out on time, thankyouverymuch. I'm so glad I have Andrea working with me M-W because if not I'd have been up shit creek without a paddle.

Today was spent coaxing a total protein pump to cooperate. We're getting a new one some time tomorrow. Which will, no doubt, create more issues before it's resolved. I've come to expect that.

My lunch break today was spent down in ICU trying to diffuse a situation. I tried to steer from the direction of pointing fingers to solving the problem. When everything was said and done, I felt like I performed a small miracle. And it was time to go home.

I'm beat.

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