23 March 2011


At the vet buying dumbass-expensive cat food so the little shedder doesn't get a bladder infection and piss everywhere. I mean... I love pumpykins.

I see Ashley's friend and want to say hi but her back is to me and she's on the phone.

I check out, grab the food, head out the door.

*ring ring*

It's Ash.


"Hey. What are you doing?" -classic opening line for Ashley. She never starts a conversation without finding out what you are doing.

"Buying cat food."

"Well that doesn't scream, 'I'm lonely' or anything."

Thanks bitch, haha.

April 1st I get my man back for 10 days!!!!!! Got a fancy hotel reservation for the weekend down in Galveston, and I'm apprehensive about it changing again, but still very excited. It will be a very happy, busy week and I'm also seriously looking forward to having him at the wedding.

Hel-lo handsome buff man in dress blues who happens to adore me! Yes, it will be good.

I can't wait!

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