30 June 2008

bye bye june

I realized that I have written a lot this month. Yay for no school, minimal work and lotsss of free time. My last summer of freedom, probably for ever, haha. So I'm bumming it up.

I don't feel well AT ALL today. Both my head and my stomach. I even took my temperature to see if I had one. Slight fever! Wow, it's been a while since I've had a confirmed fever. Like since I was a kid. I feel crappy enough to do nothing but sit with a heating pad on my middle, but not so bad that I want to sleep. I hate that. And daytime TV sucks.

I'm still crossing things off my list. For example: the photo challenge at photochallenge.net this week was passion. I think this subject is more "obsession" but I suppose they could go hand in hand. He was so engrossed that he didn't even see me standing there.

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