07 January 2010


So it's Thursday and it's been a long week. I'm tired and have spent every evening this week trying to teach myself ABO blood groups and secretor test interpretations and a bunch of other blood bank stuff. I could bitch on for a whole page about a bunch of other stuff that's happened this week, but I'm totally not in the mood.

In fact, I'm in a great mood. The days are long and problems keep coming up. I hate getting up early and can't fall asleep at a decent hour yet. Yet, the shit that's going wrong is not even bothering me.

Pipetting patient samples into 10 uL wells seems so simple, but for some reason that I can't explain, I'm in a seriously good mood. Troubleshooting a malfunctioning BN2 nephelometer, prepping and examining fluorescent microscopy images of circulating breast cancer tumor cells and being happy when we don't see any, sorting tube after tube of gel-separated centrifuged blood, concentrating urine for protein electrophoresis and actually knowing what to expect when a patient has Multiple Myeloma...

Really? I'm happy because of that? It's freaking bad ass, and some day I'm going to get PAID to do this stuff.

Okay, I'm tired and there's blood bank stuff to learn. I think I'm going to make rice pudding first, though.

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