09 September 2011


This post is not for me. *cough*ashley*cough*

Today. The boss, though we love her, was off today, so the new guy busted out his smart phone and pulled up Pandora. He placed it on the STAT rack and we jammed. It was very nice. I miss having music in the lab. I mean, I know that my random outbursts of singing the songs in my head are awesome (ha!), but real music... it really makes the job more pleasant, especially when things get stressful. And not going to even mention the new stressors we were faced with today. Keep on keepin' on.

I got an email from one of my many subscriptions, and literally laughed out loud at this recipe:  Boxed Wine Cupcakes.

How deliciously trashy! However, I'm not going to waste perfectly good wine in cupcakes. Someone try them and tell me how they taste.

Moving on...

Stumbled upon this gem while perusing the interwebs this week:  Beyonce. Another literal lol. The picture of the chicken at the front door really made me lose it, probably because I can see my mom or my sisters doing this.

Pretty beat. And the cat just came in covered in dirt. Time to deliver a whore shower.

PS. It was pretty trippy to drive through Bastrop last weekend, only to discover a few hours later that it was on fire. While driving we did note that the land was dry and crispy, and it wouldn't take much to light up the fields of (essentially) kindling. And all those homes... tragic.

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