24 May 2011

grab somebody sexy tell em hey

Wisdom tooth is back at it. Just freaking come in already. Enough of this start-stop stuff.

Wanting to use some of the large amounts of dill growing in the garden. Had a salad and as soon as I poured craptastic store-bought stuff on it, the idea for dill vinaigrette popped into my head. Darn. Next time.

Even though I'm full after my salad, still wanting chocolate. I keep opening the chocolate drawer hoping to find a spare morsel. Nada. I might have to bake that chocolate chip cookie mix in my pantry. But... it's too hot for the oven, even the toaster oven, and then there will be dishes. I'll end up eating a glob of frosting instead. Don't judge.

Reading How Did You Get This Number by the same author that wrote Cake. It was also next to it on the shelf at the library. I pretty much grabbed about 4 books that were next to it on the shelf. It's turning out to be a pretty decent span of books.

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