23 May 2011

raise the roof

1. I will not watch 2 1/2 men with that dumbfuck Ashton Kutcher. It's a crappy show but I still watch it. Charlie Sheen made that show. Nobody can fill his shoes, but Ashton Kutcher? Really?

2.  I would really like to get my period already. Maybe it's syncing to my coworker's or my sister's cycle or something. I really liked knowing exactly when it would hit when I was on the pill. Also currently researching other forms of birth control, since now is a good time to try new things. Considering the IUD, but it also sounds very scary. Would kinda like to try some non-hormonal methods, but they just aren't statistically effective enough for me. Hrm.

3. Just realized that my chocolate drawer is out of chocolate. Crap.

4. Today it was hot in the lab so for lunch I had an iced chai latte. Really hit the spot. I could drink one of these every day.

5. Have enough cushion in my savings to pay off a second student loan. Ballerrrr

6. I have Monday off since my coworker wants to cover the early shift. Sweeet 3-day weekend coming up!


  1. 2. I have a love/hate with the patch (ortho evra). It's stupid easy to use, but I too would rather something non-hormonal.

    4. Iced chais are the BEST. They are my staple summer drink. It's still cool enough were we are to get hot chai lattes and I discovered a new trick: two pumps of chai (instead of the standard 3 in a tall). Less sugary and just as tasty. Win! Except now I've become a startbucks diva with my complicated ordering - "Tall chai tea latte, extra hot, two pumps" I roll my eyes at myself everytime I order, lol. I should start ordering soy milk too, just to be extra ridiculous.

    Oh, and no worries about the pay-it-forward. I'd forgotten about it too!

  2. hahaha starbucks diva. I, too, like it extra hot. And the only reason I like soy milk is because the first time I tried it was when I was on a non-dairy kick, and I just happen to like the taste better than milk. I like the two pump idea- thank you, now I get to be a starbucks diva!
