09 June 2012


The only thing worse than throwing up is the 45 minutes of dry heaving beforehand.
Not to mention the continued discomfort afterwards. Isn't it supposed to make you feel better??

Don't know if it's a new turn that accidental glutening is taking, or if I got sick from something else, or if dinner just didn't settle right, but... ugh.

I have my suspicions that it was gluten. I wasn't very careful at dinner. When I accidentally eat gluten, it's most often from eating at restaurants. Unless they have a gluten free menu, I usually order something that I just assume is safe. I hate making a big fuss about it. It's no surprise that I often don't feel well after eating out.

I really, really need to stop doing that. This disease is a big deal and I need to "make a fuss" about it, especially if I'm going to have this kind of reaction again.

So. You guys who read this. I don't exactly have the highest level of willpower so I need your help.

I need you guys to GET ON MY ASS if we are at a restaurant and I order something (even a salad) without notifying the waiter that it needs to be gluten free.

Cool? Cool.

My puffy hurty belly and I are going back to my heating pad.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh. Throwing up is THE WORST. Hope your feeling better this morning.
