01 June 2012

wakey wakey

I've been having a lot of trouble getting up for work lately, especially this week. Combination of jet lag and sickishness, possibly? Either way, I'm lucky my boss has such lax rules about getting to work on time, as I've been making it in about 30 minutes late every day this week.

Woke up this morning and looked at the clock: 5:30. Shit. I'm supposed to be at work at 5. I jumped out of bed and ran out of the house, making it to work by 6, getting through a hurried morning to make turnaround time.

I don't even remember the alarm going off. Either it never went off, or I turned it off and went back to sleep.

Solution? I bought an alarm clock for the bathroom. I figure if I have to get up to turn it off, I'll be up and already in the bathroom, and might as well start getting ready for the day. We'll see how that works. I have to work tomorrow so I'll get to test it out.

I seriously need to figure out how to get to work on time on a regular basis, haha.
I'm just SOOO not a morning person!

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