28 July 2009

fashion standstill

Another quiet morning in the office. Not that I'm complaining.

I've spend the last couple hours looking at fashion blogs and wishing I wasn't afraid to look more unique and stand out.
I love the look of ruffles, patterns, big jewelry, unique shoes, and carefree hair. Oh, and we mustn't forget bags.
My fashion sytle is, however... subdued. I tend to wear clean lines and simple, classic clothing. With the exception of a few pieces that I hardly wear anyway, my wardrobe is engineered to make me look nice, but blend in. Nothing is attention-grabbing or makes a statement. But, if I wear something like that, people will look at me.

I need to get over it, suck up some confidence, and embrace the hottness that comes with being in my 20's.

Maybe I'll just forward the phones and check out the thrift stores in Montrose this afternoon, or see if there are any sales at the mall.

On one of the blogs I was reading, ...love Maegan, she had posted about how they made trailers to make happy movies look scary, and scary movies look happy. Loved it.


  1. I challenge you to a fashion challenge! We'll go to the store. I'll pick something outrageously stunning for you, and you pick something similarly outrageous and stunning for me. Then we'll go out and wear our new outfits.

    My weapon of choice...Forever 21.

  2. Great idea! I was totally thinking of going to Forever 21 and for once not buying the plainest thing there.
