01 October 2008

hump day thoughts

- I hope I poop today.

- I am feeling that workout from yesterday and it feels goooood. Might give it another go today. As soon as this taco baby goes away.

- That idea that I had? Yeah, it was absurd for a reason. Won't be taking that route. Back to square one...

- School is nutso. Got one professor to agree to write a rec letter but I haven't had the time to get all the paperwork together yet.

- Still no work. It's been several weeks and I'm kinda getting broke but they've had a lot of chaos over there from the storm so I don't blame them. Rolling several ideas around in my head about that. Contemplating adding in something retail but hate the thought of the hours. Me? Ambitious? More like grab every lazy moment I can. I am not Missy, here. LOL

- Frank flies in Friday for a weekend visit- raise the roof ya'll.

- It's officially October so that means I can get rid of my taped up phone! (I think-- I hope so!)

1 comment:

  1. oh wow. reading your blog then the thing about missy.

    would get so much more done if i pretended to be missy!
