19 August 2010

open windows

My my, today has certainly turned around.

After that discouraging interview this morning, I went straight to the temp agency to get some random office jobs to 1. get some cash flow and 2. get myself out of the house- I've been so bored!

When I got home, I bummed-ly applied for a new position and to my surprise I got a call within an hour to set up an interview. It really looks like something I'd be interested in. I can't help but get excited.

Then later this afternoon, I missed a call and it was from a manager wanting to schedule another interview at two different places, each part-time that would add up to full time hours. I was stoked!

And THEN, I got a message from one of my classmates saying that he and his manager talked about ME this afternoon and he kind of has a say in who they hire, so hopefully he'll put in a good word for me.

Aaaand, I got a call already from the temp agency for tomorrow but unfortunately it's cutting it a little close with the interview I have scheduled.

When it rains, it pours!

It's so nice after this job-search drought.

Oh, Oh, I hope they go well.

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